Before you go

You should check all the details of the holiday offer with your travel agent before booking. Your travel agent can also arrange other aspects of your holiday for you including transfers and in-flight meals (if not already included), plus travel insurance and any special requirements. Make sure you ask at the time of booking.

Your Booking

Your holiday is booked directly with the travel agent advertised that you choose to book with and not with You will receive confirmation of your booking directly from the travel agent you book with. If you have any queries on the holiday booking, payments, cancellation policy and so on please make sure you contact the travel agent directly with your queries. BooknGo does not have access to individual booking information.

Holiday Booking Checklist

Travel Insurance - you must ensure you have adequate travel insurance cover. This can be arranged with your travel agent whilst booking.

Passports / Visas - You must have a passport to legally visit another country outside of the UK. Make sure your passport is up to date. If you don't have one or need to update it contact the UK Passport agency at least a month before you travel as a new passport can take 10 working days upwards to process. Never forget to make sure your passport is valid for the entire time you're away and make sure you check how long it needs to be valid for after you arrive in a destination. For more info visit

Foreign Office advice - If you know you are going to be travelling to a destination that may be a trouble spot, check the guidance on that destination with the Foreign Office (FCO) before you travel.

Special Requirements - If you have special requirements such as dietary requirements, mobility access, medical, or any other requirements please make sure you make the travel agent aware at the time of booking.

Essentials - Keep a copy of all of you travel documentation with you when you travel on holiday in case you need it. This should include the telephone numbers of your travel agent and any travel insurance details. Give family members at home information on your flights and hotel details in case they need to contact you in an emergency.

Disability travel - ABTA provide information for customers with disabilities and procedures for notifying special requests. Please check with your travel agent when booking. You can also download the ABTA disability check list which you can use to help discuss your needs with your travel agent when booking.

Helpful information:

Board Basis Codes:

AI - All Inclusive
BB - B&B
FB - Full Board
HB - Half Board
RO - Room Only
SC - Self Catering

Ski Only:

CC - Catered Chalet
CA - Uncatered Chalet


DI - Drinks inclusive
CLB - Club Hotel
FV - Fly Drive
OW - One Way Flight
DAY - Day Trip

Star Rating

The Star rating may be an 'official star rating' or 'tour operator rating' and can differ between country and tour operator. Please check all details and level of accommodation with the travel agent at the time of booking.

Share Basis

Ad = Adult
Ch = Child


TOD = Ticket on departure charge

Major Departure Airports

NWI Norwich
LGW Gatwick
LHR Heathrow
STN Stansted
LTN Luton
LCY London City Airport
CVT Coventry
LTN Luton
NWI Norwich
BHX Birmingham
EMA East Midlands
BLK Blackpool
IOM Isle of Man
LBA Leeds Bradford
MAN Manchester
NCL Newcastle
DSA Doncaster
HUY Humberside
LPL Liverpool
MME Teeside
LGW Gatwick
LTN Luton
MSE Kent
SOU Southampton
BOH Bournemouth
LHR Heathrow
STN Stansted
LCY London City Airport
South West
EXT Exeter
CWL Cardiff
BRS Bristol
NQY Newquay
PLH Plymouth
GLO Gloucester
ISC Isle of Scilly
Channel Islands
JER Jersey
GCI Guernsey
DUB Dublin
BFS Belfast International
BHD Belfast City
LDY Londonderry
ABZ Aberdeen
EDI Edinburgh
GLA Glasgow
NCL Newcastle
PIK Prestwick
INV Inverness
DND Dundee
CWL Cardiff
SWS Swansea
Channel Islands
GCI Guernsey
JER Jersey

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